When Creativity Stops.

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Creativities worst enemy is the worry of making a mistake. Some of the worlds greatest creations are the result of mistakes. I suffer from the worry of making a mistake and it really doesn't help the creative juices flow. Remember being a kid? You chased for all the crayons, glue, glitter, everything and just went completely mad. I feel like some of these artworks are the most beautiful and even the greatest artists would struggle to replicate one. It really is the ultimate expression of feeling and creativity in those works. You do get some artists claiming to be completely shut off from thought and just purely exerting their artistic energies onto the white canvas, and they may be doing just that.

This in't to say that perfection is the opposite of creativity. Its the way that we think and process the creative energies when creating art that can restrict, or free the art making process. Here is a very perfect, realistic peice of art that i have always admired by Vincent Fantauzzo.

Vincent Fantauzzo
Oil on canvas

Today i'm going to attempt to make a piece of artwork without having any worry in my mind, no restrictions, no vision for the finished product. Art for arts sake. I'll post it up here by the end of the night, so we can see what that might look like.

You could do the same thing and you might be surprised!

Keep tuned fellow blog people :{D



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