Life Changes.

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Today i was talking to a psychologist and there was something that he said that really sparked a stream of thoughts for me. He was explaining how changes can only be made by the one person who wants to change it.

This isn't to say that others cant help this change, or provoke a change; but ultimately it is us who has to make this change. All of a sudden 'Be the change you want to see in the world' (Mahatma Gandhi) has a totally new meaning. Nobody can make you change, you have to change yourself. If there's something you dont like, whether it be about yourself or the world then it is up to you to change it.

Next time i go to complain about something, or criticize, or be disappointed, or frustrated or discontent i will only be able to hold myself responsible in a positive light. We, as collective individuals can make changes. Never underestimate the power of the individual, for in the end the world is only mass of individuals; it all starts with you; me. 

I used to hold a lot against the nature of the world and society, but i am the world, i am society. 

Dr.Nourozi - prescription: holism.


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