This feeling is no stranger, indeed its my enemy that visits me in my darkest hour. Just when i thought i could get a break and breathe without thinking it intrudes my very soul. I feel pathetic, stupid, unworthy and cowardly. I feel like a tiny ant in this ever-expanding universe. Nobody knows my name nor my face. Lonliness invites hopelessness into my heart and sets up camp. Tears run down my face like an army attacking my mind and im reminded once again that im not doing as well i though. Its tiring, being lonely.
Never leave lonely alone.
Loneliness is a sure sign that we are still on the path of finding ourselves, of befriending the world, of being at peace with our true nature and everything that encompasses. Loneliness is a disease that spreads to every cell within us. It effects us in every way possible and the more we try to escape it the more we realize we are lonely. Its even worse when the loneliness is caused by something external to us, for as most of us know we have little control over our surroundings. But, if the loneliness is caused by internal conflict then we can start working on that immediately.
Loneliness can seem like its our enemy, but as ironic as it sounds i think it can be our friend. We need to realise that we are lonely for a reason, and through this feeling of isolation we can learn and create most wonderful things. We can progress leaps at a time even if it takes its time.
Its a universal emotion really isn't it? What is the cure to this social and spiritual disease? Most people think it would be 'meet new people', 'socialise even when you feel down', 'talk to your friends' but i think the issue is much much deeper than that. I believe loneliness stems from inner conflict and misunderstanding, therefore the cure would be meditation and inner revelations. I don't think its healthy to be self-sufficient, as in, happy alone all the time, but i think that we should be able to be alone and not lonely. To be able to be productive when we are alone; to be able to create and produce efficiently without being bombarded by feelings of isolation.
What am i trying to achieve by writing the blog entry? Its not that I'm trying to achieve anything, I'm merely sharing my opinion of what loneliness means to me and how it can be overcome in hopes that you will connect with what I'm saying. Its funny, we all feel lonely, but that feeling of loneliness is felt by everyone. We are all connected by this feeling of loneliness, we are all isolated by it; its very ironic isn't it.
When we feel this painful lonely we should ask ourselves why we feel that way; what is it that makes us feel so alone? Is it that you feel unloved, is it that your friends forgot to invite you to something, perhaps its relationship issues? Only when we know the reason behind this agonizing emotion can we start to alter it for the good.
Never feel alone or lonely, for that feeling is shared by us all almost at the exact same time as the rest of humanity.
Dr. Nourozi - Prescription: Inner peace.
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