The reality of man is his thought!

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''The reality of man is his thought, not his material body...''
Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks

If you really think about this quote, you can get an entire new feeling of life! That does sound very drastic and a bit unrealistic maybe, but i believe it. If we think we can achieve something, if we believe it, think about it positively we might actually get there! If we have no faith, no hope then surely we will end up that way. 

Someone once told me that we can construct and reconstruct our reality; although it may be harder for some then others, we all have this reality construction ability it in us, in our thoughts.

So when you lose faith in something, or stop trying for something, remember that you have control over your own reality, even if it is a little bit! Go for it, think positive and you may be surprised! 

-Dr.Nourozi. Prescription: positivity!


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