I'm just as normal as you.

What's so great about being normal? What's so bad about being normal? What is normal? I don't think normal can even exist because everyone has their own values, experiences and perceptions of what is normal until the meaning becomes so subjective that it cannot be compared with someones elses definition.

I was talking to a friend and we somehow started conversing about 'What is normal?' and came to a vague and loose conclusion that actions can be normal, but if you perform them it doesnt make you normal. It is normal to eat breakfast because its a common action between people. It is normal to go toilet because as humans its part of our natural existence. But can a person be normal? I don't think so. Who is to say that eating worms instead of spaghetti is weird? Maybe it is normal and we are the weird ones.

It seems obvious that whatever the majority do and are is normal within a society. But that is exactly the issue, because in other cultures and even nearby societies what is normal can be the other persons weird. Is there a universal 'normal'? Certainly not.

I find that people love to be able to fit in, which is fair enough. But why do we want to fit in? What's so bad about being the odd one out? Is it evolutionary, is it psychological, biological? We all would like to be accepted, but i think some people may compirmise their reality for acceptance. This is what i can't comprehend.

What do you think normal is?
Do you think it exists?
Would you compromise your true reality just to 'fit in' the standards of society?


Dr.Nourozi - diagnoses - weirdo.


  1. Hmm... I think normal is a construct of thought stemmed from the mass consciousness of what ones macro\micro society deems normal.. in other words.. normality is a lie, strict, rigid.. and outdated

  2. its a survival tactic. to fit in or be 'normal' is a way to be safe and create a sense of togetherness or community. if your not friends with the bully your the one being bullied
