Numbers were never meant to mean that much.

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It is all too easy to want to checkout. To pack all your belongings in a suitcase and leave. Any place seems better than where you already are. Even if that means an eternity of nothing.

With every breath you take you feel the air fill you up; when all you feel is empty. The world continues to revolve. You can't stop that. Like you have no power, you just have to keep spinning. You feel motion-sick.

You are caged by the law of nature. You are forced to eat. Forced to blink and swallow. There is just no way out; apart from the last exit.

You are born with a set of DNA and you have to deal with that for every living second. The colour of your eyes. Your hair. The size of your hands.

Reality is always going to catch up with you. You can put on your make-up and wear your fancy clothes, but in the end all you are left with is yourself. Naked and alone.

Your mind has to be thinking all the time, not a moment goes by where you think nothing. You can't stop it. It too will catch up with you. Just like your DNA, just like the Earths spin.

With every moment, every fleeting second you are aging. Your youth will disappear and you will grow old wondering why you wasted it. Your beauty will fade with time and then, even the most glamourous tools will not keep you from getting old. Gravity starts to target parts of you that before were uneffected. Your face will droop, your skin will sag, your teeth will hurt, your bones will become more frail, and your speed will reduce.

There's a ticking bomb on each one of us... It is all to easy to want to checkout. To pack all your belongings in a suitcase and leave. Any place seems better than where you already are. Even if that means an eternity of nothing.

You look to the future and fill it with naiive hopes and dreams while the present moment passes you by. You live in the future, but it never comes. ''I will be happy and I will be successful'', but it never comes.

So, this is all true. But who is to say it is bad? It is beautiful. It is human. It is life.

Enjoy your youth, but you wont. Until it is too late and you wonder how you got here. How good you looked. How your skin radiated with youthful beauty.
Don't hurt other peoples hearts, but you will. Until your heart is emptied yet filled with regret.
Remember the nice things people say to you, but you wont. You will only remember the negatvie things people say to you.
Don't worry about the future, but you will. The present will pass you by until you grow old.
Maybe you will get married, maybe you wont.
Look after your body, don't be afraid of it. It is the greatest tool you will ever have, and perhaps the only one.
Don't read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know and love your family, they share the same blood as you; remember this.
Keep the good friends, and leave the ones who aren't.
Travel. See the world through others eyes. Practice being detatched and open.
Don't think about the absolute truths, there are none.
Don't fantasize about how when you were their age, things were different. Things were more simple, milk was cheaper. It wasn't.
Don't put yourself down, others can do that for you. But you will.

It is all too easy to want to checkout. To pack all your belongings in a suitcase and leave. Any place seems better than where you already are. Even if that means an eternity of nothing. But why would you? Everything you could ever want or need is already within you. Love, peace, joy. Its all there. Don't look for it anywhere else or you will miss the chance to grab it when it is sitting right there in your soul.

Don't rely on others to bring you happiness. Only rely on yourself to give others it.
Don't expect others to be there for you, just try your best to be there for them.
Don't place your happiness and peace in others hands, just hold theirs when they can't find any.

Oh, and throw that cheap make-up you bought. You look far better without it.
You can put the scales away too, numbers were never meant to mean that much.

Dr. Nourozi; Prescription: Detachment.


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